Wednesday, July 4, 2012

149. Gomphidia kruegeri kruegeri (Martin, 1904)

Number: 149
Family: Gomphidae
Genus:  Gomphidia
Species:  Gomphidia kruegeri kruegeri
Common name(s): N/A
Thai name(s): แมลงปอเสือครูเจอร์
Habitat: Small openings in forested streams
Province(s) sighted: Headquarter's stream, Nam Nao NP, Nam Nao environs (Petchabun); lowland streams (Chaiyaphum).
Sightings (by me): Uncommon
In flight (that I have seen): June
Species easily confused with: Gomphidia abbotti abbotti; Gomphidictinus perakensis; Ictinogomphus decoratus melaenops; Ictinogomphus rapax
Thank you, Mapor!!! I initially thought this was a slightly older Gomphidictinus perakensis, as it has slightly  different thoracic markings. However, Mapor thinks that this specimen is, in fact, Gomphidia kruegeri kruegeri.  I'm so glad that he noticed this as it has made it 3 new species in 4 days! It is very similar to G. perakensis, however, the thoracic marks are different. With this species the antehumeral stripe is a 'boomerang' shape and solid, whereas on G. perakensis (see entry), it is broken at the top. Also, the yellow dorsal marks on the thorax are simple to compared to the 'messy' marks on G. perakensis. 
The male
This specimen was perched low down to the stream, and large in size. As mentioned, this species seems to differ from G. perakensis, due to it differing thoracic markings. The caudal appendages are almost identical, but seem slightly longer. Also, unlike G. perakensis, G. kruegeri kruegeri will fly away if approached and seemingly not return. However, this is based on one specimen.


Don't you just love grass!!

Male appendages ...
though its the thoracic markings that easily distinguish this species from other similar looking species.

Many, many thanks to Mapor for pointing out my errors AND for giving me another species!!!


  1. Hi Dennis,

    You should capture those gomphids and take detailed macro shots of the anal appendages from different angles, it will be very useful !


    1. Hi Sebastien.
      I would love to capture them all and get great shots of the anal appendages (as they are so important with ID). Unfortunately, most of the big gomphids fly away at the slightest movement. Add that to being in dark places and having to use a 300 mm lens, and it gets quite tricky (as I am sure you are aware). Obviously if I can capture them, I will. I don't like the shots (I prefer natural ones) but they are so important for ID.

      Oh, and your blog is fantastic, by the way. You have some amazing photos and some wonderful species in Vietnam... I am jealous ! Keep up the amazing work.
