I have finally got round to collating the species I have photographed in Khon Kaen province (my hometown) over the past five years. I am rather surprised to have found exactly 70 species .... not bad for a flat, boring cultivated landscape. I hope to add more next year (I saw a Gomphidae at Phu Wiang a few years back and MUST find it).
Here are my findings between 2008 and 2013, mainly within the city boundaries, The River Chi, Phu Pha Man National Park and Phu Wiang National Park:
Here are my findings between 2008 and 2013, mainly within the city boundaries, The River Chi, Phu Pha Man National Park and Phu Wiang National Park:
Family: Calopterygidae
1. Vestalis gracilis [U]
Family: Coenagrionidae
2. Aciagrion borneense [C]
3. Aciagrion pallidum [C]
4. Agriocnemis minima [C]
5. Agriocnemis pygmaea [C]
6. Cercion malayanum [U]
7. Ceriagrion auranticum
8. Ceriagrion cerinorubellum
9. Ceriagrion indochinense
10. Ceriagrion praetermissum
11. Ischnura senegalensis
12. Onychargia atrocyana [C]
13. Pseudagrion australasiae [R]
14. Pseudagrion microcephalum
15. Pseudagrion rubriceps
Family: Chlorocyphidae
16. Libellago
lineata [C]
Family: Lestidae
Lestes concinnus [C]
18. Lestes elatus [C]
19. Lestes thoracicus [ER]
20. Orolestes octomaculata [R]
Family: Platycnemididae
21. Copera chantaburii [C]
22. Copera ciliata [C]
23. Copera marginipes [C]
Family: Protoneuridae
24. Prodasineura autumnalis
25. Prodasineura coerulescens
Family: Aeshnidae
26. Anax sp. (poss A. guttatus) [U]
27. Gynacantha saltatrix [U]
28. Gynacantha subinterrupta
29. Heliaeschna uninervulata
Family: Corduliidae
30. Epophthalmia frontalis
Family: Gomphidae
31. Ictinogomphus decoratus
Family: Libellulidae
32. Acisoma panorpoides [C]
33. Aethriamanta aethra [C]
34. Aethriamanta brevipennis
35. Aethriamanta gracilis
36. Brachydiplax chalybea
37. Brachydiplax farinosa
38. Brachydiplax sobrina [R]
39. Brachythemis contaminata
40. Camacinia gigantea [ER]
41. Cratilla lineata calverti
42. Crocothemis servilia servilia [C]
43. Diplacodes nebulosa [C]
44. Diplacodes trivialis [C]
45. Hydrobasileus croceus [R]
46. Lathrecista asiatica [U]
47. Macrodiplax cora [U]
48. Neurothemis fulvia [C]
49. Neurothemis intermedia atalanta [C]
50. Neurothemis tullia [C]
51. Orthetrum chrysis [C]
52. Orthetrum glaucum [C]
53. Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum [C]
54. Orthetrum sabina [C]
55. Pantala flavescens [C]
56. Potamarcha congener [C]
57. Pseudothemis jorina [U]
58. Rhodothemis rufa [C]
59. Rhyothemis phyllis [C]
60. Rhyothemis plutonia [U]
61. Rhyothemis triangularis [R]
62. Rhyothemis variegata [C]
63. Tetrathemis platyptera
64. Tholymis tillarga [C]
65. Tramea transmarina euryale [ER]
66. Trithemis aurora [C]
67. Trithemis festiva [C]
68. Trithemis pallidinervis
69. Urothemis s. signata [C]
70. Zyxomma petiolatum [U]
Rareness based on my personal findings within the province
C = Common
U = Uncommon
R = Rare
ER = Extremely Rare
nice page and post