Saturday, July 30, 2011

141. Nepogomphus walli (Fraser, 1924)

Number: 141
Family: Gomphidae
Genus:  Nepogomphus
Species:  Nepogomphus walli
Common name(s): N/A
Thai name(s): N/A
Habitat: Exposed but heavily tree-lined uplands ponds
Province(s) sighted: Nam Nao environs (Petchabun).
Sightings (by me): Rare
In flight (that I have seen): July

Just as I was cursing that last dragonfly flying away, another new species landed right in front of me on the tall reeds.
Again... one shot, it was off, high up into the trees. Still, at least this shot is pretty good and should be good enough for ID.

Finally, this has now been looked identified as Nepogomphus walli, through the expert eyes of Noppadon Makbun and Tom Kompier. With thanks.

As well as seeing the male, I also saw the female. This one was a good 25 metres from the water, hiding in the reeds, under banana trees. She was also extremely difficult to get near, but at least she only flew a little further along each time.


  1. It seems to be in genus Onychogomphus. This reminds me of O. duaricus.

  2. Dennis, judging from the broad base of the superiors, this looks more like Nepogomphus.

  3. How to differentiate between the Nepogomphus walli and Onychogomphus duaricus by photo? Both species looks almost similar

    1. I agree ... very difficult. However, as Tom Kompier pointed out N. walli has a broad base for it superior appendages. I have also noticed that the s. appendages of N. walli are also yellowish in colour ... other than that it is very difficult.

      Hope this helps.


    2. I agree ... very difficult. However, as Tom Kompier pointed out N. walli has a broad base for it superior appendages. I have also noticed that the s. appendages of N. walli are also yellowish in colour ... other than that it is very difficult.

      Hope this helps.

