Tuesday, July 19, 2011

137. Burmagomphus divaricatus (Lieftinck, 1964)

Number: 137
Family: Gomphidae
Genus: Burmagomphus
Species: Burmagomphus divaricatus
Common name(s): Sprayed Clubtail
Thai name(s): แมลงปอเสือพม่าท้องขีดเหลือง
Habitat: Exposed but weedy uplands streams
Province(s) sighted: Nam Nao environs (Petchabun), Pui Waterfall (Pitsanoluk environs);  Khao Yai NP (Nakhorn Ratchasima).
Sightings (by me): Uncommon
In flight (that I have seen): April-July (possibly longer)

Yet another species I saw at an open river in Khao Yai NP, was  a Burmagomphus species . I initially ID'd this species as B. williamsoni. However, Oleg Kosterin has now ID'd the species Burmagomphus divaricatus.

The male
The male is similar to many other Gomphidae. The thoracic markings are slightly different. However, its sprayed caudal appendages are what give it away.

You can see why it is called the 'sprayed' clubtail. The inferior (lower) appendages are sprayed out.

The sub-adult male
The sub-adult male is very similar to the adult. However, it doesn't yet have the bright eyes. 

The teneral male
I was fortunate enough to also spot a teneral male while I was at Khao Yai. I only managed a couple of photos before he retreated high up in the treetops.

Close up of the appendages.

Here's a teneral male I caught briefly ... shows just how small they are.

The female
I have spotted a few females, but they are always almost impossible to get near. They tend to fly away at the slightest movement. Fortunately, as I wandered along the riverbank at almost 6 p.m., this one had settled down for the night. I even managed to capture her with my fingers. 

 The female's caudal appendages.

Now in the hand (for thoracic markings) ...

The copula...
On a terrible day, with howling winds and heavy rain, I still managed to capture photos of something special. This copula is the only one I have ever seen of this genus. I saw it at an uplands river, which is exposed in Nam Nao environs. I have since spotted a second copula (terrible photos though) at Pui waterfall, Pitsanoluk environs.

Many, many thanks to Oleg Kosterin for the ID and generous information provided on the genus. Also, to Noppadon Makbun for confirming the second female I saw at Nam Nao.

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